Expanded Services at Raintree!

Reflexology has been used for thousands of years as a natural, non-evasive form of healing therapy. In Reflexology, we believe of your body as a road map, where every path is connected. Using hands and feet, we use specific pressure points that are connected through these paths to specific body parts. Focusing on these vital […]

The Promise of Spring

After that (hopefully) last blast of winter, we are setting our sights towards budding flowers, green grass and shedding our big puffy jackets! This latest cold snap has our skin buffeted by rain & snow, then cold and dry temperatures on top of the dryness of indoor heating. It is any wonder some of us feel tightness, irritation and dryness as these fluctuating temperatures test our skin’s resilience?

February’s Facial Feature!

Put your best face forward this February with our intensely moisturizing Hydramemory Facial.  Skin is plump, smooth and visibly hydrated, resulting in youthful, rested skin.  These scientifically formulated products are full of effective but naturally sourced ingredients that feed your skin for lasting hydration. 1hr 15 min of blissful relaxation, on special for the month of […]

January’s Feature Treatment

Welcome to 2018! Put your best face forward this January and experience the immediate lift and firming of our January feature treatment. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, this powerful, clinical treatment is designed to lift, firm and deeply hydrate the skin, taking youthful aging to the next level.  Combined with our signature Raintree experience, you will enjoy […]

Our November Feature Treatments!

An uplifting experience!  This time of year can lend itself to itchy and dry skin thanks to indoor heating and lack of humidity in the air. Our November feature treatment combines the warmth and relaxation of our luxurious 60 min Aromasoul Massage combined with a full body exfoliation to restore and revitalize.  Utilizing the benefits of the […]

Re-balance oily skin with our ACTIVE PURENESS Facial

This deep cleansing treatment is designed to purify, mattify & renew oily skin.  Using a combination of alpha-poly-hydroxy acids, a blend of white and green clays and natural mangosteen extract, we gently cleanse and re-balance the skin, removing impurities and improving the skin’s texture and luminosity. Offered at an introductory price of $99, this 50min treatment is perfect for those  experiencing […]


Typically appearing as red and warm to the touch and often feeling tight or stinging, those of us with sensitive skin experience irritation ranging from the environment (wind, sun, pollution), to cosmetics, exercise and even certain foods.  Unfortunately, chronic irritation is a cycle of redness, irritation and heightened sensitivity. Our new REMEDY Facial is designed […]