Using the Tempsure Envi, we can safely minimize facial fine lines and wrinkles and tighten skin without injections or downtime. Safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure with no surgery, no needles and no downtime.

As we age, our bodies can’t generate collagen as fast as it is depleted, causing our skin to lose laxity and firmness. As a result, wrinkles and fine lines form leaving you with smile lines, crow’s feet and other bothersome creases.

How Does It Work?

The TempSure Envi treatment gently heats your skin to trigger your body’s natural response to produce new collagen. The new collagen fibers are tight, dense and neatly organized giving you tighter younger-looking skin

What Can I Expect?

During a face-only treatment, you will experience a gentle warming sensation around the target area(s). Most treatments can be performed in under between 15-45 minutes, which makes this a great lunch time option. It is comfortable and feels like warm stone massage over the treating areas. After the treatment, there is usually only a slight redness of the treated area. This redness generally will subside soon after the treatment. For those with heat sensitive skin (flushes easily) we have observed a less than an hour to return to a glowy finish. You will be able to return to your daily activities immediately following treatment. You will leave with a natural glow and what can be described as a “tighter” feeling. The best part is collagen will continue to rebuild, enhancing your skin’s appearance over time. It is a great treatment to have before an event as the initial benefits can be observed immediately after treatment and into the next day or two and the long term effects begins in the weeks post treatment a collagen begins to build.

TempSure Envi treatments are extremely safe and can be performed on all skin types. Unlike other technologies, treatments can be performed all year round.

TempSure Envi treatments are extremely safe and can be performed on all skin types. Unlike other technologies, treatments can be performed all year round.