We offer the gold standard in laser hair removal with the , the Cynosure® Elite+™. The Elite+™ contains two different types of laser wavelengths that provide effective treatments on patients of all skin types. The Elite+™ system has been in clinical use for many years and has been proven safe in
many clinical publications. Our skilled and professionally trained team will ensure your treatments are safe, effective and comfortable.

We are currently offering the best pricing of the year starting at just $40 per session. Book your complimentary consultation and test patch so you can try the technology before your commit.

How it Works

Hair grows from deep within hair follicles, which are thin cavities embedded in the skin and grows in a three-phase cycle. While the rate at which hair grows differs by individual, the length of the hair growth cycle generally depends on the type of hair and area of the body. For example, the hair on your head may last several years (hence our ability to grow long hair) while the hair on the body generally has a growth phase that lasts only a few months.

The laser emits heat energy that travels down the hair shaft into the hair follicle. Hair follicles that are in the Anagen, or active growth phase, have more pigment and absorb more energy, and can be more easily damaged. For this reason, it typically takes multiple treatments to achieve the best results as we need to “catch” the in its active growth phase. Hairs that were present in the follicles at the time of treatment will fall out over the next couple of weeks and future hair growth will be impaired. Since not all hairs are actively growing at the same time multiple treatments are required for optimal results. You may notice some hair regrowth but not as thick as it was before the treatment. This regrowth will become thinner and lighter with each subsequent treatment until there is little, to no hair at all.

What To Expect On The Day Of Treatment

Prior to your procedure you will make sure the area being treated in freshly shaven at least the night before. This will allow for effective delivery of the laser device to your hair follicles, thus providing a more effective treatment. We will prepare the area being treated and ensure you are well protected with our safety equipment. As we guide the device over the treatment area the pulses will deliver the energy to be absorbed by the hair follicles. you will feel cold air blowing throughout the treatment for your comfort. It is normal to feel a slight snapping like a rubber band as the energy is being delivered.

Complimentary consolations are encouraged so we can perform a test patch so you can feel how quick and comfortable treatments can be before you commit.


Pricing is per body part being treated and we are happy to discuss treatment plans with you. While initially some may find the cost higher than traditional hair removal, the entire cost of bikini laser hair removal treatment plan can be covered by 1 year of regular bikini wax appointments, giving you the freedom from unwanted hair permanently and without the monthly upkeep.

Best results are seen with about 6 treatments so we are offering a laser promotion of 50% OFF your first treatment with a package of 5 at 25% OFF the entire package , totalling 6 treatments at really great savings. Best results are seen with about 6 treatments