It's easy being green with Raintree

Let’s face it, with a name like “Raintree”, you know we care about nature. Not to mention our affinity for trees and all things green.

Each day, our team works hard keep our environmental footprint as small as possible. As part of our green mandate, we recently purchased second-hand iPads ultimately destined for the “technology graveyard”. We installed NextIssue on each and loaded them up with a variety of mags for our guest’s reading pleasure. And although you may prefer paper-based reads, trees across the west coast are breathing easier 🙂
One of the best green practices offered by our product partner Jane Iredale is that all pressed mineral powders are sold with refillable compacts made with recyclable, eco-friendly materials. When your current powder runs out, simply purchase a refill at special savings (in recyclable packaging) and pop it in your compact.
We’re celebrating Jane’s commitment to being green with a red-hot Earth Day offer (see below). Click on the icon to shop, then step away from the computer and enjoy the outdoors. Happy Earth Day!